Monday, August 27, 2012

Electricity Meter Reading Facts For Aussie Homes

Are you concerned about aspects of your electricity meter's reading, or billing?

If you are not sure of who reads your electricity meter, or when your electricity bill can be estimated, then read on.

Listed are some basic facts about electricity meter reading, for all Aussie householders. The following information was sourced from the Energy & Water Ombudsman NSW.

For contact information of the ENERGY OMBUDSMAN in your State, visit our website.

  • An ELECTRICITY DISTRIBUTOR is responsible for the testing / replacement of your electricity meter.
  • The distributor reads the meter and then forwards the information to the ELECTRICITY RETAILER.
  • According to the Electricity Supply Act 1995 (Section 55) & Gas Supply Act 1996 (Section 56) an electricity distributor has the right to enter a customer's property, to read the meter without prior notice or consent. 
  • The electricity distributor can estimate any period of up to 6 months between readings. Regulation states there must be a reading, at least every six months. The estimated reading must be noted as 'estimated' and clearly shown on the electricity bill.
  •  The householder has the choice of paying the estimated amount, or an amount determined by the electricity retailer. After a customer receives an account based on an estimated reading, a retailer may agree to accept a customer’s reading of their own meter. This will be considered an actual read. 
  • Where access is constantly an issue for the purpose of reading the meter, a request for a 'special reading', can be made. The householder may be charged for this service. This same service can be used in the case of questionable meter readings.
  • The difference a meter can vary for under or over billing, is no more than 2%.
  • Historical billing data can be asked by the householder without charge, for periods of up to 2 years.
Visit our AUSSIE HOME ELECTRICITY webpage to learn more about your home's power supply, metering and billing.

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