When using a Current Cost ENVI/R electricity monitor to monitor your home, have you ever wanted to use it where access to a 240 volt outlet was limited?
Maybe you were looking at performing a HOME DIY ELECTRICITY AUDIT of your home?
Would it have made the task so much easier for you, if you had a portable battery supply?
Well we have built a portable battery power pack, for the Current Cost ENVI/R home energy monitor. Our portable power supply uses AA batteries. During testing the monitor was hooked up to a laptop, running some FREE HOME ENERGY MONITORING SOFTWARE.
We primarily designed the battery power pack, for additional portability whilst demonstrating the home electricity monitors real-time electricity reporting qualities, to our home energy clients. During our testing, we were able to get over 72 hours of use.
This portable battery supply is offered for sale worldwide on our HOME ELECTRICITY MONITORING web page.
To learn more about getting the data from your Current Cost ENVI/R monitor online, visit our ONLINE ELECTRICITY MONITORING page, where we make the task of getting your data online, very easy.
This blog post and podcast brought to you by Aussie Home Energy, a major player in the HOME ELECTRICITY REDUCTION SERVICE industry in Australia.
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