OUCH! Being on a Time Of Use tariff could be costly, if you are not managing the electricity tariff correctly.
After all was that not one of the main reasons the electricity retailers sold you the idea of the TOU tariff in the first place, some years ago! So you could manage your tariff and hopefully reduce electricity costs for your family?
Prices on the 1st July 2016 have just gone past the 50 cents per kWh mark, for those times of day when you need the power to cook, heat / cool, or simply feed your family.
The question is this. Is the TOU tariff saving you or costing you more than a comparable flat or tiered rate tariff, when based on your home's usage pattern.
There are three easy ways you can find this out:
1. Get the calculator and the power bills out and do some simple maths
2. Install an electricity monitor with tariff comparison software
3. Send four of your electricity bills to us for analysis
Simple solutions for finding out the best tariff suited to your home's electricity usage patterns, are only a call away. Call now for help.....
02 8064 3992
This blog post brought to you by Aussie Home Energy, a major player in the HOME ELECTRICITY SAVING SERVICE industry in Australia.
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