Thursday, August 25, 2016

Getting Ready For The End Of The NSW Solar Bonus Scheme

No doubt you are aware the NSW Solar Bonus Scheme ends on the 31st December 2016. 

All NSW households receiving 60 / 20 cents for all power [Gross FIT] sent back to the grid, will need to act. You will have received notification of this fact via letter earlier in the year, from the Government.

Back in April we wrote a post explaining it would be in your favour, to look into any required meter / tariff changes, before the rush. 

We have just checked out the Department Of Industry Resources & Energy's website and found this very helpful page HERE. Detailing everything about what you need to know and do. Importantly as we said preferably before the event.

Remember as is common with Government Schemes bottlenecks can occur. It will pay you to be aware of your options. There could be shortages of meters or installers. 

Once you have you new electronic meter installed, we would further advise you to call us, so we can help you keep your eye on your import / export power. As the power on your roof will now be worth little to send back to the grid.

This blog post brought to you by Aussie Home Energy, a major player in the HOME ELECTRICITY SAVING SERVICE industry in Australia.